Construction Engineering (BS)

Construction engineers translate infrastructure and building designs into practice by engaging in coordination of project design, systems design, design of temporary structures, cost estimating and control, planning, logistics, scheduling, project management, materials procurement, equipment selection, and safety.
Set up an appointment with your advisor:
Construction engineers have diverse career options in the broad fields of infrastructure, commercial buildings, governmental projects, residential development, hospital construction, or coastal/marine work. This curriculum is designed to provide a range of problem-solving, technical, and communication skills to prepare students for careers tailored to student interests. Construction engineering education includes the development of technical, communication, business, and managerial skills to implement in the opportunities available upon graduation. Positions for graduates with a degree in construction engineering could include project engineer, project manager, superintendent, estimator, scheduler, or roles in marketing and business development.
The curriculum requires 134 semester credit hours. The curriculum requirements may be viewed in detail in the Undergraduate Catalog. The advising flowcharts below provide a quick snapshot of the coursework in the curriculum.
Advising (Flowcharts)
Students: please be sure to follow the curricular requirements associated with your semester of admission. It is possible to change catalogs while enrolled – see the undergraduate program manager for details. Please note that the catalog contains the official curricular requirements. The flowcharts are provided for convenience, but they are not the official documents.
Please visit the CEE minors site.
Combined Degree Program
For further information on this opportunity, contact Department Manager Kimberly Brock at
Set Up a Visit
Prospective students are encouraged to attend Preview Mines (Fall Semester) and Discover Mines (Spring Semester). To register for a Mines’ information session and campus tour (and/or housing tour), please contact Additional information can be found on their website
Current Mines students interested in the Construction Engineering program are welcome to set up an appointment with their CASA advisor.
The Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering is seeking accreditation by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Program Educational Objectives
Within three years of attaining the Bachelor’s degree, graduates will be:
- Advancing in their professional standing, generating new knowledge and/or exercising leadership in their field.
- Contributing to the needs of society through professional practice, research, and/or service.
Student Outcomes
- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
- An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
- An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
- An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams; (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
- An ability to communicate effectively; (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context
- A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
- A knowledge of contemporary issues
- An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
- Relevant tools in construction practice to plan, design, monitor, inspect and manage construction operations
Curriculum is still under construction.

Introducing the BUILD Program @ Mines:
Bridging University Initiatives in Leadership and Development
The BUILD Program is a new initative that brings together Colorado School of Mines students and industry partners.
The Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering Degree programs are collectively seeking industry involvement to deepen our students’ education.
Is your company interested in becoming an industry partner?
Construction engineers are at the forefront of technology.
The Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering program expands students’ knowledge to prepare graduates for design, oversight, management, inspection, and planning career roles in support of the construction sector. Based on a rigorous foundation in basic sciences, math, engineering sciences, design principles, and civil engineering topics, students will learn the fundamental and practical skills to apply engineering skills, sustainable practices, and management principles into the built environment. Graduates will be prepared to translate design concepts into the built environment in a wide variety of sectors, from infrastructure to commercial and residential construction to fill a myriad of job opportunities available.
The curriculum includes topics in scheduling, estimating, project economics, cost control, communication, and project administration, all valuable skills for the booming construction industry.