Kristoph-Dietrich Kinzli
Teaching Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Chauvenet Hall 122
My interest in pursuing an academic career stems from my experiences as an undergraduate engineering student. During that time I was inspired by several influential and exemplar educators to dedicate my life to teaching engineering. During graduate school, I was given the opportunity to begin teaching and found pleasure, reward, and personal fulfillment in helping students learn and understand a subject. Since my ultimate goal was to secure a faculty teaching position, I took every opportunity to teach during graduate school and was fortunate enough to instruct four undergraduate engineering classes with eight total sections during a period of three years. Upon completing my doctorate in 2010, I joined the faculty at Florida Gulf Coast University and taught there for a total of 13 semesters. I joined Colorado School of Mines as a Teaching Professor in December of 2016.
Over the last 10 years, I have continually strived to improve my teaching ability, in order to prepare students to enter the work force as professional and well developed engineers who are aware of the societal and environmental impacts associated with the engineering profession. I plan to actively continue my development as an educator at Colorado School of Mines.
- PhD, Water Resources Engineering, Colorado State University
Dissertation: Decision Support Systems for Efficient Irrigated Agriculture - MS, Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University
Thesis: Using Bendway Weirs to Aid in the Recovery of the Endangered Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Hybognathus amarus - MS, Civil Engineering, Colorado State University
Thesis: Effects of Bendway Weir Characteristics on Resulting Eddy and Channel Flow Conditions - BS, Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, Universitaet Dortmund, Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westphalen Germany
Courses Taught
- CEEN 381 Hydrology and Water Resources (Spring 2017 to present)
- EGGN 491 Senior Design I (Spring 2017 to present)
- EGGN 492 Senior Design II (Spring 2017 to present)
Additional Teaching Capabilities
- Fluid Mechanics
- Mechanics of Materials
- River Mechanics
- Open Channel Hydraulics
- Water Resources Planning and Management
- ASCE ExCEEd Teaching Workshop (2011 to present)
- Joint Editor for ICID Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
- Co-Advisor for ASCE Student Chapter
- J. Estell, S. Howe, B. Jaeger-Helton, S. Sangelkar, K-D, Kinzli, and D. Rand. (2019). Client Interaction Tools: Supporting Student Professionalism on Client-Based Capstone Design Projects. International Journal of Engineering Education. 35(6): 1953-1968.
- D. Franco, K. Coulibaly, T. Kunberger, K-D. Kinzli, S. Arbelaez, and T. Missimer. (2017). Evolution of Heterogeneous Mixed Siliciclastic/Carbonate Aquifers Containing Metastable Sediments. Groundwater, DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12529
- K-D Kinzli, T Kunberger, R O’Neill & A Badir (2017). A low-cost approach for rapidly creating demonstration models for hands-on learning, European Journal of Engineering Education, DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2017.1311306
- R Drendel, K-D. Kinzli, A. Koebel and T. Missimer (2015). Management of BWRO systems using long-term monitoring of feed water quality to avoid future membrane process failure, Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2015.1077351
- Spelman, D., Kinzli, K-D., and T. Kunberger (2013). Calibration of the 10HS Soil Moisture Sensor for Southwest Florida Agricultural Soils. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 139(12), 965–971.
- Kinzli, K-D., Shafike, N., Bauer, P., Lundahl, A., Schmidt-Peterson, R., Harris, S., Lewis, G., Johnson, P., and Timmons, M. (2011). Quantifying River Accretion in the Upper Rio Grande Gorge, New Mexico, Using an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. River Research and Applications. 29(1): 4-16.
- Kinzli, K-D., Manana, N., and R. Oad. (2011). A Comparison of Field and Laboratory Calibration of a Soil Moisture Capacitance Probe for Various Soils. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 138(4): 310-321. ASCE EWRI Honorable Mention Paper Award 2014
Research Interests
- River Mechanics
- Stream Restoration
- Agricultural Water Use and Sustainability
- Engineering Teaching Pedagogy
- Active Learning
Selected Advisory Boards, Expert Panels, Awards
- ASCE EWRI Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Honorable Mention Paper, 2016
- National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium, 2015
- ASCE ExCEED New Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award, 2014
- ASCE ExCEEd Assistant Teaching Mentor, 2012,2014, 2016
- ASCE Excellence in Civil Engineering Education ExCEEd Teaching Fellow, 2011
- ASCE Student Chapter Annual Report Honorable Mention, 2014
- ASCE EWRI Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Honorable Mention Paper, 2014