Hongyan Liu

Teaching Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

HongyanLiu-105-e1651271368378 Hongyan Liu


Chauvenet Hall 194A

Dr. Hongyan Liu joined the faculty as an Associate Teaching Professor in Spring 2015 after serving as an adjunct teaching professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mines since Fall 2013. Prior to this appointment, she have also been teaching at University of Minnesota Duluth from Spring 2012 as a McKnight Visiting Assistant Professor. Dr. Liu’s teaching interests are focused on engineering mechanics, structural analysis and design, and engineering materials. She has been teaching Statics and Mechanics of Material since she joined Mines. Dr. Liu’s research background was mainly in structural engineering and earthquake engineering.


  • PhD, Civil Engineering, Colorado State University
  • MS, Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China
  • BS, Civil Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China

Selected Publications

  • Z.Jin, S. Pei, X. Wei, H. Liu and S. Qiang (2016) “Partially earch-anchored cable bridge: Ultralong-span system suitable for carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic cables” Journal of Bridge Engineering 21, no. 6 (2016): 06016003
  • Z. Jin, S. Pei, X. Li, H. Liu and S. Qiang (2016) “Effect of vertical ground motion on earthquake-induced derailment of railway vehicles over simply-supported bridges” Journal of Sound and Vibration 383(2016):277-294
  • Z. Zhang, H. Li, H. Liu, G. Li and X. Shi (2014) “Load Transferring Mechanism of Pipe Umbrella Support in Shallow-buried Tunnels” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 43(2014) 213-221.
  • H. Liu, P. Zhao, C. Feng and R. Sharma (2013) “Cement-Sand Based Piezoelectric Smart Composites” Applied Mechanics and Materials, 392, 9
  • S.Pei, J. W. van de Lindt, N. Wehbe and H. Liu. (2013) “Experimental Study of Collapse Limits for Wood Frame Shear Walls” ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 139(9): 1489-1497.
  • H.Liu and J.W. van de Lindt. (2011). Prescriptive Approach to the Performance-Based Seismic Design of Low-Rise Residential Buildings. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 25(4): 268-276.
  • J.W. van de Lindt, H.Liu, M. D. Symans and J.K. Shinde. (2011). Seismic Performance and Modeling of a Half-Scale Base Isolated Wood Frame Building. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 15(3): 469-490.
  • J.W. van de Lindt, H. Liu, and S. Pei (2007). Performance of a woodframe structure during full-scale shake table tests: Drift, damage, and effect of partition wall. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 21(1), 35-43.