Alexandra Wayllace

Teaching Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

alexandra-wayllace Alexandra Wayllace


Chauvenet Hall 160

My general research interest is to advance the understanding of the behavior of saturated and unsaturated soils, particularly focusing on their hydrological and mechanical properties. I have worked with the CSM/USGS research group in problems related to fluid flow through variably saturated porous media, shear strength in saturated and unsaturated soils, and infiltration-induced slope instability analysis. Courses taught: Mechanics of Materials, Soil Mechanics, Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Foundation Design, Soil Behavior, help teaching Civil Engineering Field Session.


  • PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO
  • MS, Systems Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO
  • BS, Engineering, Civil Specialty, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO

Selected Publications

  • Hinds, E., Lu, N., Mirus, B., Godt,J.W., and Wayllace, A. Evaluation of techniques for mitigating snowmelt infiltration landsliding in a highway embankment. Engineering Geology, DOI, 2021.
  • Wayllace, A., Thunder, B., Lu, N., Khan, A., & Godt, J. W. Hydrological Behavior of an Infiltration-Induced Landslide in Colorado, USA. Geofluids, 2019.
  • Chen, P., Lu, N., Formetta, G., Godt, J., Wayllace, A. “Assessing tropical storm induced landslide potential by using combined field monitoring and numerical modeling.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volume 144 (11), 2018.
  • Lu N., Alsherif, N., Wayllace, A., Godt, J. “Closing the loop of the Soil Water Retention Curve” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering., 141 (1), 02814001, 2014. (Technical Breakthrough Abstract).
  • Wayllace, A., Lu, N. “A Transient Water Release and Imbibitions Method for Rapidly Measuring Wetting and Drying Soil Water Retention and Hydraulic Conductivity Functions,” Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 35, No 1, 2012.